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 Joined the war in 1916 when they saw that the Russians were successfully defending against attacks by the Germans,  as such, they wanted to seize the opportunity and joined the war


The central powers launched offensives into Romania and caused them to lose half their country to Bulgarians, Germans and Austria Hungarians


Germany took over Bucharest in December 1916. When Russia tried to help to defend them, the Russians were already weak and Romania was forced to surrender to the Germans, losing a lot of land.


The treaty of Trianon in 1920 transferred Romania was given Transylvania

Albania and Montenegro

 Neutral during the war but had ties to Austria-Hungary. As such, Austria-Hungary invaded Albania and Montenegro to continue to pursue the Serbians who were being evacuated at Albanian ports

Balkan nations


Salty about losing the Balkan war and wanted more land, especially Greek Macedonia and Serbian Macedonia

Promised land from Serbia the central powers, Bulgaria joined the central powers to attack Serbia and successfully took over


Serbia, forcing Serbian troops to retreat to Albania 


First to collapse in the war in the war in 1917


​​ indecisive about whether to join the war

 Ethnic Greeks living outside greece were 4 times as many as compared to those that lived inside Greece’s borders.(late 1800s)

 Prime Minister wanted to join the allies

 King wanted to remain neutral

 After a “national Schism", the King of Greece abdicated, the country was united and they joined the allies. They gained Kavala from Bulgaria


Part of the allies

Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination of archduke Ferdinand.

265,000 Serbian soldiers died during WW1

At the start of WW1, Serbia had 360,000 men, resisting 3 offensives from Austria-Hungary

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