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main events of the July crisis

28 June 


5 July 


23 July 

28 July

29 July 

30 July  

31 July 

1 August 

2 August

3 August ​

4 August

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian throne in Sarajevo. He was shot by a Serb nationalist, Gavrilo Princip. The Austrians saw the murder as a perfect pretext to crush Serbia.

Kaiser Wilhelm [William] II assured Austria of Germany's support in whatever measures she took against Serbia, the so-called "Blank Cheque".

Austria presented Serbia with an ultimatum and she was given 48 hours to reply. Although the text was approved on the July 19 it was decided to delay its presentation until the state visit of the French President and Prime Minister to Russia was finished. This was done to prevent the French and Russians from coordinating their response. It was presented when the French delegation had left Russia and was at sea.The Serbs agreed to all of the Austrian demands bar one. The Austrians were so surprised by the humility of the Serbian reply that the foreign minister hid it for 2 days from the Germans. The Kaiser commented that the reply was “a great moral victory for Vienna, but with it, every reason for war disappears."

Austria rejected the Serbian reply and declared war. The Russians ordered a partial mobilisation of their troops against Austria in defence of Serbia.

The Austrians shelled Belgrade.

Russia ordered general mobilization. Crisis escalated. British attempts at mediation failed.

The Germans presented an ultimatum to Russia to halt her mobilisation within 12 hours. She also presented one to France in which she was asked to promise to stay neutral and to hand over border fortresses as guarantee. (the Germans knew the French would never agree!)

Germany declared war on Russia. France ordered general mobilization.

Germany demanded from the Belgians the right to send troops through their country. The Belgians refused.

Germany declared war on France and its troops entered Belgium. The British sent an ultimatum to the Germans calling for the evacuation of Belgium.

Britain declared war on Germany.

war was on

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